You and me
Here is the correction and the transaltion of the sentences with tu, te, t' and toi. I suggest that you read several times, copy, memorize, read aloud these basic sentences: the better you retain structures, the faster they come to mind when you need them!
Vous pouvez aussi écouter les phrases! You can also listen to the sentences!
A- TU habites à la campagne. You live in the countrysideVous pouvez aussi écouter les phrases! You can also listen to the sentences!
J'habite en ville? Et TOI ? I live in the city. And you?
Elle ne TE dit pas bonjour. She doesn't say hello to you.
Elle ne se souvient pas de TOI. Se doesn't remember you/ she doesn't have remembrance of you
Moi, ça va. Et TOI ? I am well. And you?
B- Je vais T' appeler demain soir I am going to call you tomorrow night
Il part en voyage avec TOI He is going on a trip with YOU
Elle voudrait TE parler She would like to speak to you
Et Julie: TU la connais? And Julie: do YOU know her?
Moi, je ne sais pas où est la poste. Mais TOI, tu le sais. I don't know where the post office is. But YOU, you know it.
C- Je veux TE présenter à mes amis. I want to introduce YOU to my friends
Nous T' aimons beaucoup. We like you very much
TU ne TE souviens pas de ce film. You don't remember this movie (= the verb is "se souvenir" TU" is the subject and "TE" is the modification of "se")
J'ai passé une bonne soirée avec TOI. I had a good time last night with YOU
D- Tu répares ta voiture TOI -même. You repair your car yourself
TU TE couches à quelle heure, le soir? You got to bed at what time, at night? (= the verb is "se coucher" TU" is the subject and "TE" is the modification of "se")
Je m'appelle Pierrette. Et TOI, TU T' appelles comment? My name is/I call myself Pierrette. And YOU, what's your name/ how do YOU call YOURSELF? (= the reflexive verb is "s'appeler"; TU" is the subject and "TE" is the modification of "s'")
E- I know you.>>> Je TE connais
You? You are Swiss. >>> TOI? TU es suisse.
I wait for you.>>> Je T'attends (In French, "attendre" is a "direct verb" -you "wait someone", not "for someone")
I'm listening to you/I listen to you >>> Je T'écoute (object pronoun is placed before the verb)
She is speaking/speaks to you >>> Elle TE parle (object pronoun is placed before the verb)
I went from having no idea what the difference between these were to getting all the answers correct! Merci trés beaucoup!